Wildplay Element Parks, Nanaimo

 ¿Qué ver en Wildplay element parks, nanaimo, Nanaimo?

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WildPlay Element Parks in Nanaimo is an outdoor adventure park that offers a variety of activities for all ages. Some of the attractions include zip lines, aerial obstacle courses, and bungee jumping. The park is open daily from May to September, with limited hours in the off-season.

The prices for admission vary depending on the activity and age of the participant. A full day pass for the aerial obstacle course and zip lines costs around $70 for adults and $50 for children. Bungee jumping is priced at around $130 per person.

The official website for WildPlay Element Parks in Nanaimo is https://www.wildplay.com/nanaimo/.

There are many things to see and do in the surrounding area of Nanaimo, including exploring the city's historic downtown, visiting nearby parks and beaches, and taking a ferry to nearby islands. The Nanaimo Museum and the Bastion are popular tourist attractions in the city, and the nearby Newcastle Island Marine Provincial Park offers hiking and camping opportunities. The ferry schedule can be found on the BC Ferries website.

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